

Can you recall the last time you got a good night’s sleep? If so, can you count these occurrences with both hands? Good quality sleep can feel like a luxury when tending to work, social life, and technology demands. But shoving sleep under the covers negatively impacts your well-being. Particularly your mental and emotional health. […]

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Cilliers Marais



Bedtime is fast approaching. You drag your feet to the bedroom because you fear that you’ll be lying awake again. Or you simply ignore the fatigue and start another episode, scroll some more, or queue for another game. Know the feeling? If you struggle to fall asleep or to get into a consistent pre-sleep routine, […]

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Cilliers Marais



Time to get up. It’s Monday. The weekend was too short, and yet too long. But before you get up, just one more snooze… After three more snoozes, you finally stagger out of bed and rush off to work, still feeling groggy and skipping breakfast. Sound familiar? Let’s be honest, we’ve all had a week […]

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Cilliers Marais



You hit the snooze button. Again. How many times has the alarm gone off? Just one more snooze, you tell yourself. And then, when you can’t put it off any longer, you groggily climb out of bed and rush to get ready for the day. Sound familiar? Or maybe you diligently get up at 5 […]

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Cilliers Marais



It happened again. You lost focus halfway through the presentation. You know you should focus, but you’re just so tired! For some reason, you struggle to sleep properly after the festive season. And it feels like, no matter what you do, you can’t seem to sleep well these days. We get that. Getting into a […]

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Cilliers Marais



In our modern, fast-paced world, a good night’s sleep can sometimes feel like an elusive dream. We’ve all experienced those nights when sleep seems to evade us, leaving us groggy and unproductive the next day. The struggle to fall asleep is real, but fear not, because building a healthy sleep routine can be your ticket […]

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Cilliers Marais



Sports injuries are common among athletes and active individuals. They can range from minor sprains and strains to more serious injuries such as fractures and ligament tears. If you want to recover from injury, sleep and rest may be what you need. Read on. Common sports injuries Some of the most common sports injuries include: […]

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Cilliers Marais



Replacing your bed every decade may sound like overkill, but more and more studies reveal that getting a good night’s sleep is beneficial to your health. And if you lead an active lifestyle, restorative sleep is even more important! So keeping an eye open for beds for sale is not a bad idea. Moreover, that […]

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Cilliers Marais



Starting out an exercise program is a hard feat, to say the least. Like many others, you may have made consistent exercise one of your new year’s resolutions. However, a few weeks have already passed, and so did the new years feeling along with it. Well, it’s not too late! In fact, it’s never too […]

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Cilliers Marais



Mattress in a box is a new buzzword you might’ve heard of in the last few years. This innovative concept involves a compressed, flattened and rolled foam mattress placed in a rectangular box for safe and easy delivery and setup. Kooibeds started out in 2006 as an innovative brand specifically dedicated to craft beds for […]

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Cilliers Marais



Everybody knows that sleep is the most important activity of our day. This crucial pastime not only replenishes our mind but even more so our bodies. As an athlete, a consistent, good quality sleep routine can do wonders for your level of fitness. Proper sleep has been dubbed as the best legal performance enhancer you […]

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Cilliers Marais



Are you struggling to fall asleep? Many people develop sleeplessness in their lifetime due to various reasons. This problem can be approached in many ways. If you find that you cannot sleep, the best place to start could be with your body’s energy usage. At Kooi Beds, we’re passionate about sleep and exercise. As a […]

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Cilliers Marais



In today’s office-bound environment, achieving your fitness goals isn’t as easy it used to be. And let’s be honest, being fit has become a very trendy thing. Two hundred years ago people didn’t need to go to the gym, because they were physically active in their everyday life. But now, if you want to be […]

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Cilliers Marais



Like basic survival, sleep and enhanced athletic performance go hand-in-hand. As an athlete, you cannot reach the apex of your ability without sleep. But how important is it truly? How much do you need? What recovery benefits does sleep provide your body with? To answer these questions, we’ll be delving deeper into the science of […]

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Cilliers Marais



Do you like to exercise, but you often find that you are too tired to work out properly? Well, don’t feel alone in your struggle. There are millions of people (and I literally mean millions) out there that face the same problem… Sleep deprivation. All of us have been there one time or another. Or […]

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Cilliers Marais



There is no denying that physical activity has countless benefits, both to the body and soul. However, one of the most important benefits of exercise is sleep! Let’s look at 5 Facts About Sleep and Exercise: 1. The Link Between Sleep and Exercise: While it is undeniable, the exact correlation between exercise and sleep is […]

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Cilliers Marais

